06. Transparency Act Statement

Transparency Act Statement



Sustainability is linked to our strategic initiative “Planet- embracing the green transition”, and trough our top policies and governing documents.

Map and assess

Vendor assessments are already an integrated part of our quality processes. Updates are needed to focus more on CMR in addition to Quality and HSE.
We use information about, among other things, the origin of the raw materials, country of manufacture, product category and the manufacturer to identify and prioritize risks for negative impact of people, animals and the environment in the value chain.
We acknowledged during the process that we need to add due diligence assessments on key goods and services we purchase for own use to our list due to the high risk category a lot of those purchases belongs to.


We focus our efforts on the risks to people and society and environment is greatest. Dialogue and cooperation with suppliers and customers are among our most important tools in this work. Our 2021 maturity assessment and stakeholder analysis on sustainability has led us to four key themes for future improvement at HTS Dynamics; integration in strategy and management, goals and ambitions, climate accounting and reporting and transparency. This reflects our commitment to UN Sustainability Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. In addition, we need to obtain more information about the value chain of our metal suppliers and implement more preventive actions to ensure reduction of risk for negative impact on human rights in this value chains. https://www.htsdynamics.no/planet.


Ratings, measures and any deviations are reported centrally on a regular basis at least annually integrated with our complete sustainability report. https://www.htsdynamics.no/planet.


According to Åpenhetsloven, consumers and others have stakeholders demand to know how we handle actual and potentially negative consequences that are uncovered in the due diligence assessments. Most information can be obtained from our sustainability reporting on our web site; https://www.htsdynamics.no/planet

We have not yet received any inquiries from consumers, but internal instructions for handling such inquiries are in place and can be directed to post@htsdynamics.no under general inquiries.


Deviations and damage to people, animals and the environment can occur. If it is our responsibility, we will rectify the damage ourselves. In other cases, we will use our influence to try to get the responsible party to do so.

We have not identified any serious violation of human and employee rights associated with our value chain . We acknowledge that with some complex value chains it is difficult to capture all deviations and violations. This is something we will continue to work on.

Further work

  • Obtain more information about the value chain of our metal suppliers

  • Integrate some of the suppliers of goods and services for own use to list of suppliers to assess.

  • Update internal risk assessments and vendor evaluation forms with more aspects to ensure reduction of risk for negative impact on human rights revealed in due diligence process.

  • Update T&C`s with more aspects to ensure reduction of risk for negative impact on human rights

  • Update of purchasing process and Training of relevant personnel in purchasing positions to recognise the risks associated with their product category.