Embracing the green transition
Our goals
Net-Zero by 2040
50% turnover from renewables in 2035
We believe the energy industry needs to lead the way in the green transition. That is why we have launched our climate initiative which aims for Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2040.
Read more about our climate initiative in our sustainability report for 2023.
Sustainability report 2023
01. CEO statement
At HTS Dynamics we are committed to sustainable development and the reduction of our environmental and social impact. Our company recognizes the urgency of addressing the pressing issues of climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a manufacturing company in the energy supply chain, we have a particular responsibility for addressing these issues.
02. Material topics
Our 2023 maturity assessment and stakeholder analysis on sustainability has led us to four key themes for future improvement at HTS Dynamics; integration in strategy and management, goals and ambitions, climate accounting and reporting and transparency. This reflects our commitment to UN Sustainability Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
03. Climate strategy
Aiming for a Net Zero emissions by 2040, HTS Dynamics climate strategy is made up by a clear set of short term, medium term and long term goals.
04. People
To reach our goals the people at HTS Dynamics are of the utmost importance. At HTS Dynamics we work constantly to ensure an environment where it pays of to participate, play each other good and perform your position to the best of your ability. People are key to achieving our future goals, which is why we also are developing an internal leadership development program.
05. HSE organization
To ensure that HTS Dynamics has a safe and healthy work environment and all employees are thriving in their position, we have a Working Environment Committee with a defined set of main tasks, both when it comes to health and the psychosocial environment for our employees, as well as ensuring that we always comply with rules and regulations set by the Norwegian government.
06. Transparency Act
At HTS Dynamics, we are committed to transparency and accountability. We believe the Act relating to enterprises' transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions (Transparency Act) is a crucial step on the path to increased transparency and accountability. By complying with the act and report on social risk factors, we can hold ourselves accountable and demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable future.
⇩ Carbon Footprint Report 2020
⇩ Carbon Footprint Report 2021