05. HSE organization
Working environment committee main tasks:
Ensure a safe working environment at HTS.
The committee shall plan health, environment and safety work, and monitor development in questions related to HSE. Working environment committee leader shall be representative for management and production, shifting annually
Working environment committee shall handle:
• Occupational health service and the internal safety committee.
• training that has impact on working environment,
• plans that require the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority agreement as stated in Arbeidsmiljøloven § 18-9
• Other plans that will impact working environment, such as building changes, purchase of machines, working processes and preventive safety measures.
Occupational Health Service:
Approved by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
Employee satisfaction survey every third year
Annual health check for all employees
Air quality and noise measures performed in workshop, we have also checked for respirable particles on particular work tasks
Attends two of four annual safety inspections
Advices on annual review of legal requirements
Advices on risk assessments for chemicals
Advices industrial safety when performing realistic emergency training.
Do you thrive overall?
Do you experience control over own work tasks and / or quantity?
Is the contact and cooperation with management good?
Is the contact and collaboration with colleagues good?
Do you have a work environment free of bullying / harassment?